Chapter 327: Is This Going Against the Heavens?_1

Sunset Town, inside Sunset Casino, by the betting table for big and small bets.

All eyes were focused on the dice clock, and the only ones at ease were Zhang Xian, the beautiful croupier, and Brother Hei.

Soon, the rolling of the dice halted.

The beautiful croupier lowered her head, and her eyes widened when she saw the points on the display.

Zhang Xian chuckled, "Pretty sister, what happened? Did I hit a triple dice score again? Seems like my luck is off the charts today, I've hit it twice in a row."

Seeing the croupier not opening the dice clock, the crowd was amazed. Could the young man by their side be right? Was it a triple score again? How could anyone be that lucky?

"Three sixes..."

The beautiful croupier glanced at Zhang Xian before unveiling the dice clock.

"Damn, another three sixes..."

The bystanders were dumbfounded, looking incredulously at the three dice inside the dice clock.