Chapter 331 Big Head in the Boxing Ring_1

In Sunset Town, inside an inconspicuous building, in the living room.

A middle-aged man held a smoking cigar in his right hand and twirled two black balls in his left nonstop.

"Knock, knock, knock..."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

Subsequently, two stern-looking men in black suits stepped in.

The man on the sofa turned his head, took a puff on his cigar, exhaled some smoke, and asked, "How did the investigation I asked for turn out?"

"We've found out." One man in the suit reported, "There are four major powers in Sunset Town. The Qiu Family ranks first, followed by the Black Fist Club, the Shu Family, and lastly, the Mu Family."

The middle-aged man chuckled, "Didn't the Black Fist Club use to be at the bottom? How did it suddenly leap to the second place?"

The man in the suit replied, "The Black Fist Club has two formidable fighters, and they have not been in Sunset Town for long. If another one comes, the Qiu Family will be ousted."