Chapter 385 Let's Do Something Interesting_1

Wen Yulan's family lived in the county city of Yantai, where both her parents were laid off from work. Her mother was now running a small supermarket at home whilst her father worked at a factory.

After setting off from Tiandu and enduring a two-day drive, Zhang Xian, Wen Yulan, and Yueyue finally arrived at the small county city in the late afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Wen were rather surprised to see Zhang Xian and hear Yueyue addressing him as her father.

Why had their daughter been involved with such a youngster?

"Dad... Mom... you guys..."

Wen Yulan initially planned to explain her relationship with Zhang Xian, but eventually stopped herself. With Yueyue calling Zhang Xian her father, it was difficult to provide an explanation that didn't complicate things, so she let it be.

"Come on in!" warm heartedly, Mrs. Wen welcomed Zhang Xian into their home.

With Yueyue in his arms, Zhang Xian followed, a warm smile on his face.