Chapter 400 Birthday Gift_1

Upon seeing that Zhang Xian could cure his leg, He Zheng's dull eyes suddenly shone like stars in the night sky.

He had been to several hospitals and they all said his leg could not be restored, he had nearly lost all hope. Now, Zhang Xian says he can heal his leg, how could he not be excited?

He may not believe what others say, but could he really not believe Zhang Xian?

The man before him, much younger than he, had already brought him many miracles. Many things that seemed impossible became a piece of cake once Zhang Xian stepped in.

"Let's go in!"

Zhang Xian turned around and walked into the house.

Upon hearing this, several young men rushed to carry He Zheng in.

Wen Yulan knew He Zheng, having met him a few times before. Seeing that He Zheng now had hope of standing again, a smile appeared on her beautiful face.