Chapter 420 I Can't Give Up_1


Zhang Xian glanced at Li Peichi, discontented, "Little Sister Peici, can you not always make me out to be such a creep? I'm actually quite innocent."

"You, innocent?"

Li Peichi asked with an exaggerated expression, "Zhang Xian, how thick is your skin?"


Zhang Xian replied, "My skin is actually pretty thin! Don't believe me? Just touch it. It's as delicate as a blown eggshell, just like my face."

"Delicate... as a blown eggshell..."

Li Peichi burst into laughter after a moment of stunned silence, "Zhang Xian, you're too much, do you want me to die of laughter? Even a bullet couldn't penetrate skin like yours!"

Nangong Wu also burst into laughter at Zhang Xian's actions. This guy, really was a rare specimen!

Suppressing a smile, she looked at Zhang Xian and asked, "Um, Zhang Xian, I still didn't quite get what you told me earlier. Why was that guy targeting me?"

Zhang Xian laughed, "Because you're beautiful, Sister Wu!"