Chapter 507: Destruction of the Skynet Organization_1

That night, somewhere within a certain country, a certain city, a particular housing district.

The formerly peaceful night was shattered by a sudden blaze reaching up towards the sky. The roaring flames seemed to thrash like a fierce beast in mid-air.


"What's happening?"

"Damn, it's on fire, it's on fire."

Screams echoed in succession, shadowy figures in sleepwear rushing out of the nearby houses.

"The third one has died."

In the darkness, a young man glanced at the roaring fire before turning to leave, "Next, it's the team leader's turn."


In a villa somewhere in Japan.

A middle-aged man stood on the balcony, hands propped on the white railing, his brow heavily furrowed as he gazed out at the distant sea.


The wind roared past, stirring up waves on the surface of the sea, mirroring his turbulent emotions.