Chapter 536: Attack on the Nangong Family_1

Three shadowy figures walked shoulder to shoulder down a street.

Behind them, a young man dressed in black tailed them at a constant distance.

Suddenly, the young man from behind rushed forward, kicking one middle-aged man into a narrow alley.

"Damn..." The middle-aged man was kicked before he even knew what was happening, and he was seriously pissed off.

Jumping up from the ground, the man saw that his assailant was just a kid, a kid with a face black as soot. "Hey kid, you wanna die? You dare kick me?"

The other two were surprised. Who would dare to attack a member of the Nangong Family on Longshan turf? Have they grown tired of living?

"My name is Zhang Xian."

The young man grinned and said, "You two, get in there too!"

And with that, he kicked the remaining two into the alley. He closed in on them relentlessly until they were cornered. Then, he stopped.