Chapter 553: Village Tragedy_1

On the mountain path, the battle continued.

Chris displayed his formidable strength, engaging in a showdown with two grandmaster-level fighters all by himself.

Mickey and Amond were also quite a match, although they couldn't compete with Chris as newly advanced grandmaster fighters, in their two-on-one scenario, they weren't at a disadvantage at all.

"Not able to defeat them?"

All of a sudden, Chris's brows knitted together tightly. Mickey and Amond's strength exceeded his expectations, shattering his hope to seize them both in one fell swoop.

Mickey and Amond smirked coldly.

Chris thought he could overcome them single-handedly, it was nothing short of a fools' dream. His confidence was somewhat blind.

Down below, two middle-aged men focused their gaze on Zhang Xian, somewhat puzzled.

Is this guy here to watch a show?

"Two idiots."

Seeing that the other two grandmaster fighters had no intention of making a move, Zhang Xian sneered coldly and moved towards Chris.