Chapter 555: Why Didn't You Call Me for the Fight?_1

Yao Rao was sitting by the pond, praying for Zhang Xian, even if she did not believe in gods and buddhas.

Upon hearing a familiar voice, she turned her head and saw a familiar figure. The sorrow on her face disappeared instantly, and she threw herself at him like a little girl.

The others turned their heads, looking somewhat surprised.

Zhang Xian had somehow escaped from Chris' pursuit? That seemed highly unlikely.

They had heard from Yao Rao about Zhang Xian's strength, that he might have reached the grandmaster level. However, Chris had been a grandmaster for nearly twenty years, couldn't he kill a junior?

"You all okay?" asked Zhang Xian with a smile.

Yao Rao shook her head and replied with a smile, "We weren't the ones being hunted, how could we be in trouble? What about you? Any injuries?"

"I am fine too."

Zhang Xian chuckled and said, "That guy Chris, killing me is easier said than done. However, his strength is formidable. I had a hard time dealing with him alone."