Chapter 578: People from the Broken Sword Sect_1

Zhang Xian looked at Fang Shaohua, his smile a bit eerie.

In life, one must have self-awareness. But this guy in front of him clearly lacked that.

Blood Soul stepped forward, glancing at the group coldly. From his slightly bloodshot eyes, two chills as if from the netherworld burst forth.


Fang Shaohua shivered and instinctively stepped back.

The slap yesterday at the restaurant had left a psychological shadow on him. This Big Head in front of him, he couldn't handle. Such speed, he didn't have time to react.

However, today he brought an Innate Realm expert from his family. No matter how awesome these people in front were, they wouldn't dare to show off in front of an Innate Realm expert.

"Was it you who bullied my Fang family yesterday?"

An old man in casual clothes walked out. His look was icy, "Not bad. You have the guts to go against our Fang family. I admire your bravery."

Zhang Xian said nothing in response to the elder. Yet another person underestimating them.