Chapter 594: Biochemical Base_1

The Taoist priest scoffed at Zhang Xian's audacity, and hit the door with his hand dismissively.

Their Taoist temple was, in fact, a biochemical research base. Those guys brazenly walking in here, that was akin to seeking death, wasn't it?

Unfortunately, these folks were unimpressive specimens, unsuitable for exploitation. If they had even an ounce of potential, they could've become fruitful subjects for the research base.

"What's going on?"

A few middle-aged men dressed in Taoist robes exited from within.

"You guys in this Taoist temple are quite peculiar."

Zhang Xian chuckled and said, "These days, is being a Taoist the trend? I can get the appeal for temples in bigger, more respectable areas, but this is a remote, poverty-stricken place. Aren't there an awful lot of young folks here trying out this Taoist thing?"

"Kid, you're asking too many questions."