Chapter 598 Mo Shaoyun's Change _1

In the blink of an eye, several days had passed.

In Tiandu City, at the Lingxiao Villa, Zhang Xian was sprawled out on the lawn in front of the villa, looking at the cloudless sky, his brows knitted in deep thought.

He didn't have to worry about the establishment of the sect and the villa. However, the colossal funds needed for building the villa and the sect, bore down like a mountain on his shoulders, giving him a headache.

These past few days, he had been brainstorming ways to make money, but nothing came to mind.

It's true that he still had several leftover pills in his hand, but he didn't plan to sell them for now. He felt these would be useful in the future because assembling the ingredients to concoct these pills was no easy task.

Aside from selling pills, after several days of thinking, he had not come across any other fast money-making method.

"Ding-a-ling-ling ..."

Suddenly, the sound of a mobile phone ringing interrupted Zhang Xian's train of thought.