Chapter 617: Heavenly Sword_1

Inside the forbidden territory of the Ling Mountain Sect.

Zhang Xian stood before a stone wall, eyes slightly closed, reviewing the images he had just seen.

Suddenly, a flash before his eyes transported him to a plain amidst a raging storm, with thunder and lightning illuminating the swiftly spinning vortex in the sky.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Suddenly, the rotating vortex transformed into a giant palm, rapidly bearing down towards Zhang Xian's head.


Zhang Xian looked up at the sky, a slight smile on his face, and remained unmoving.


The gigantic palm descended from the sky, slamming into the ground and shaking the earth, leaving a massive palm print in the middle of the plain.

However, Zhang Xian in the center remained unscathed, still wearing his faint smile.


Suddenly, the sound of a mosquito rang out, and the scenery underwent another change.