Chapter 623: The Might of the Heavenly Sword_1

"Kill us?"

Upon hearing this, Elder Yu and Elder Qi's mouths twitch in a rhythmic manner.

They didn't deny that Zhang Xian is a freak. Despite being in his early twenties, he possesses strength that even grandmasters have to be wary of. However, this alone was not enough to justify Zhang Xian's arrogance.

Both of them were also grandmaster-level fighters. Moreover, they had been grandmasters for nearly twenty years, a longevity far exceeding Zhang Xian's recent breakthrough.

Perhaps Zhang Xian had some extraordinary methods up his sleeve, but they were no pushovers themselves.

Would they have come without some certainty of their odds?

"That's right."

Zhang Xian looked at Elder Qi and Elder Yu and said, "I will kill you, and not one of you will escape."

"Ha ha... "

Elder Qi laughed loudly and said, "Boy, you're far more arrogant than I thought! Do you know how many people would die laughing if they heard what you just said?"