Chapter 635: The cruel god's prophecy_1

Upon seeing the man in white looking at him, the old man shook his head with a sigh, then lowered his head, not daring to make eye contact with him.

He, a powerful Grandmaster, was being tossed around by a young upstart. It was utterly embarrassing. But the young man in front of him was terrifyingly strong; he didn't have a choice even if he didn't want this to be the case.

"What exactly... what exactly do you want?" The man in white asked, furrowing his brow at Zhang Xian.

He wouldn't buy the loan story; it was just too absurd. He was convinced these guys came here with a different purpose in mind.

Zhang Xian chuckled, "I already said, I came here for a loan."

"Fine! How much do you want? Just name a number." Seeing Zhang Xian insist on the loan story, the man in white was curious about what the youngster had planned.

Zhang Xian smirked, "Well, I've got quite an appetite. So, however much you have, that's how much I want."