Chapter 645: The Reinforcements Have Arrived_1

Xia Shuyuan stared at Zhang Xian, both terrified and baffled.

She had just left the company yesterday, was suddenly rendered unconscious, and then locked up in a nearly enclosed room. During all this, she hadn't seen anyone until she was led out.

And now, there were so many people who looked a bit unusual, each seeming like an ancient relic. She was completely dumbfounded.

"Aunt Shuyuan, why are you standing there frozen?" Zhang Xian urged.

Xia Shuyuan was just a commoner. When the fight begins, even if she wasn't targeted, it would still be extremely dangerous. The slightest collateral damage could be fatal.

The destructive power of the Innate Realm was already terrifying enough, let alone the Grandmaster Realm and the Legendary Realm.

As Xia Shuyuan who has never practiced martial arts and doesn't have Innate True Qi, how could she withstand it?

"Zhang Xian..."

Xia Shuyuan stood there, feeling at a loss. "What... What's going on with you guys?"