Chapter 651: The Strongest Attack_1

In the stone cave, a fierce battle was underway.

Faced with the relentless onslaught of the Great Scorpion, Feng Xinzi and Bai Yu were persistently driven back, having already been pushed to the cave wall, with nowhere else to retreat.


Just at that moment, two figures suddenly charged out from around the corner. It was Zhang Xian and Zi Yu.

They positioned themselves to either side, effectively blocking Feng Xinzi and Bai Yu's escape routes. They were now trapped between the Great Scorpion and the cave wall.

"Damn it..."

Bai Yu and Feng Xinzi were preparing to dodge to either side.

Upon noticing the sudden arrival of Zhang Xian and Zi Yu, their complexions changed drastically. Why were these two wicked individuals here? And why had they chosen to charge out now of all times…

"Old man, time to die..."

Zhang Xian's Spiritual Energy within his body had already concentrated, ready to be unleashed. He charged at Bai Yu like a launching rocket.

"Damn it..."