Chapter 10 Critical Moment_1

Will Astir carefully dusted off Yetta Astir's shoulder, staying silent.

Yetta looked at the man in front of her, noticing that his hair had already turned grey. He seemed much older than he was when he taught her how to ride a bike and swim. He truly was no longer young.

In the past, her parents would often nag her about finding a partner, and in frustration, Yetta Chou moved to live at the police station. She hadn't been back home for quite some time. Now, considering she may no longer have the chance to go home, she deeply regretted her actions and silently scolded herself for not understanding things before.

"Yetta, do not panic when you approach, keep calm. Dad will be waiting for your victory." Will Astir advised with worry, desperately wishing he could take on this risk himself if he could.

"I will!" Yetta replied quietly, nodding her head. After doing a final check on her equipment, she summoned her courage and approached the robber, her face full of strength beyond her years.

"Stop!" The robber seeing yetta's hands holding two boxes, immediately pointed his gun at her.

Yetta stopped where she was, slowly put down the boxes, and raised her hands.

"What are you carrying in your hands?" The robber asked.

"These are milk and bread for the hostages." Yetta Chou replied calmly.

"Open the boxes." commanded the robber.

Yetta crouched down slowly and, as commanded by the robber, opened the boxes and took out the milk and bread one by one. Once all items were removed, she asked, "Any other questions?"

Seeing there were no other items inside, the robber then allowed Yetta to repack the items before entering.

"I warn you. If you dare any tricks, I'll blow your head off." The robber threatened.

Without changing her expression, Yetta responded, "I promise not to resist, but you must let the hostages go."

Yetta deliberately raised her hands, then slowly approached the robber, her face looking very innocent.

The robber's gaze scanned over her body back and forth, chuckling maliciously, "I can let the hostages go, but you have to go in first."

The lecherous look in the robber's eyes made Yetta feel nauseous. She wanted to rush up and incapacitate him, but with the hostages in his hands, she had to keep her cool. Taking a deep breath, Yetta adjusted her emotions then walked towards him, holding his gaze.

She was a fine piece. More enticing than the girl inside, if given a chance, the robber thought of indulging himself with her, his mind swayed by Yetta despite the dangerous circumstances.

Once he saw Yetta'd gone inside, the robber threw out a barely living hostage before quickly rushing back into the bank lobby.


"Kid, you're smart and brave. Since you're not afraid of death, I'll grant your wish." The lead robber aimed his gun at Basil Jaak, his piercing eyes full of coldness, like a sharp dagger, ready to stab into Basil Jaak's heart at any time.

Basil Jaak was ready to fight back, his eyes focused on the robber's finger on the trigger. As soon as the robber shot, Basil Jaak would not hesitate to pounce towards the other robber.

But no shots were fired, because the robber saw Bro taking Yetta into the bank.

How did he bring her here, Basil Jaak thought, seeing Yetta being held at gunpoint by the robber. He joked to himself that trouble indeed finds him, as he unexpectedly ran into her here.

"Bro, why did you bring a woman back?" The leading robber, who knew that Bro was lecherous, barked at seeing him holding a beautiful female cop hostage.

"Bro, guess who this woman is?" Bro pressed Yetta's hands behind her back and shoved her brutally toward the lead robber. "She's the head of the second Criminal Investigation Team. Our operation at the jewelry store was ruined by her team last time."

Upon hearing this, the leading robber took a good look at Yetta. Indeed, it was the female cop who had messed up their operation. His stern look softened a bit as he turned to bro and said, "Since she's an old friend, give her some good hospitality."

Glancing at Yetta, Bro grinned lewdly and said, "Don't worry, Bro. I will definitely give our old friend a warm welcome."

Anyone could tell that the conversation between the two robbers was ominous. Yetta Astir, however, was bound and unable to resist. Bottling up her seething anger, she turned her head coldly to one side.

Apparently, the robber didn't want to linger on this topic, and asked again, "Bro, when will the car arrive?"

No idea, given all the hostages we have, the cops wouldn't dare to act rashly," bro nonchalantly shrugged, and said to the gang leader, "Chief, this babe brought milk and bread, how about we grab a bite first?"

The robber glanced at the boxed bread and milk, carefully asked, "Could it be a trap?"

"I checked the contents before she came, aside from bread and milk, there's nothing more. But let's play it safe and have our canary give it a try," bro said and then stared at the hostages, coldly ordering, "Who among you would like to taste it?"

Most of the hostages had been there since morning. After a fraught morning, they were famished. Ever since Yetta arrived with the food, their gazes remained fixated on her, desire for the food overwhelming them.

However, with the robber's revelation that one of them would be a guinea pig, expressions of longing swiftly gave way to profound fear, they hastily turned away, dreading to be the chosen one.

The robber eventually settled his gaze on Basil Jaak, pointing and shouting, "Bro, bring that lad over here."

As ordered, Bro brought Basil over to the gang leader. The gang leader then pulled out a packet of milk and a loaf of bread from the box and told Basil, "Kid, eat this."

How dare you use me as a guinea pig. You are the second person who dared to do this. The first one already met his maker. Basil smirked slightly, unabashedly grabbed the milk and bread and started to eat, even complimenting, "I didn't have breakfast before coming to the bank, I was starving! Luckily I have milk and bread to eat, otherwise, I would have starved to death."

Watching Basil devour the bread with a ravenous appetite, the robber flashed a derisive smile, thinking to himself that this boy was just a glutton, he'd soon send him off. He then turned to Yetta and shouted, "This one's for you."

Under the robber's threat, Yetta dared not resist and reluctantly began to eat.

Watching a beauty eat was an experience in itself. Yetta didn't bite directly into the bread, instead, she tore it into small pieces, taking her time to place each piece onto her rosy lips. She sipped the white milk after every two bites, her eating manners were elegant and the polar opposite of Basil's devouring.

However, her careful eating style couldn't match Basil's devouring speed, and by the time she was halfway done, Basil had already finished his meal.

Basil wiped his mouth, let out a satisfied burp, and asked contentedly, "Do you need me to help again? I can still eat."

The robber ignored Basil, waved his hand, and said, "Bro, tie up this fella with the policewoman. We'll grab a bite first, and we'll retreat as soon as the car arrives."

This lucky bastard, sharing the ropes with such a beauty," Bro looked at Basil icily, then took a hemp rope as thick as a bowl and walked over. He first tied Basil's hands behind his back, then walked over to Yetta, smiling lasciviously, "Sorry, pretty."

Just as the robber prepared to tie the rope, Yetta's eyes flashed with murderous intent. Timed perfectly with his reaching out, she kicked swiftly at his crotch.

The trio of robbers hadn't expected Yetta to suddenly strike, in that moment, they were stumped. By the time they reacted, Yetta had already landed a hefty kick on Bro's privates, causing him to roll on the ground in pain. Meanwhile, Yetta had already grabbed a gun and aimed it at the remaining two robbers.

Basil, standing next to Yetta, knew this was his cue. Just before the robbers could react, he performed a quick forward roll and broke one of their necks. No superfluous movement, just swift and precise, textbook killing technique.

Perhaps Basil's move was too slick as Yetta was actually spellbound for a moment. To the extent that she forgot to shoot the robber.

Robbers who dared contend with the police were usually shrewd. He seized this momentary lapse by Yetta as an opportunity and fired a shot at her.

Caught off guard, Yetta couldn't evade in time, resigned to her fate when suddenly, a dark figure lunged towards her, pressing her to the ground just as the bullet whirred past them.

The robber, missing his target, quickly aimed for Basil and Yetta for the second shot. However, before he could pull the trigger, a bullet had already punctured his throat. He fell to the ground, gripping the gun handle with a death grip, but never able to pull the trigger again.

Lying on top of Yetta, Basil heaved a deep breath, looking at a stunned Yetta with a grin, "You, silly woman, even if you find my moves cool, don't forget to fire your gun! If it weren't for my timely action, you'd be meeting your maker."

Although Basil said these words with a laugh, recalling the recent event, Yetta started to sweat cold sweat from the fright.

This time she surprisingly didn't retort back at Basil.