Chapter 21: Flower Protecting Messenger_1

Basil Jaak followed Amanda into a nightclub named "Vitality," where deafening music instantly met their ears. Countless shadows writhed madly in the dim light to the rhythm of the music, occasionally letting out a resonating moan or an electrifying scream. The air was thick with the scent of indulgence and excess.

The moment Kayson crossed the threshold of the dance hall, her slender waist started moving in rhythm with the pulsating music. Under the flattering lights, she looked as enticing as Duerissa, radiating a deadly allure.

"Basil Jaak, you don't seem thrilled?" Kayson placed her hand on Basil Jaak's broad shoulder, flashing him a seductive smile. It was surprising that even this usually fierce little lioness could have such charming moments.

Basil Jaak took off Kayson's hand from his shoulder and, with a light smile, said, "Being a flower-protecting messenger for three beauties has already excited me."