Chapter 68: How to Be a Boyfriend_1

After having his fill at Food Heaven, Basil Jaak quickly left the restaurant. He didn't want to be the target of a mad Lioness.

Since he had nothing to do right now, Basil rode his bicycle back to his house.

As soon as Basil inserted his key into the keyhole and turned it, the door opened. It wasn't locked from the inside.

"Did Xenia Wendleton not go to work?" Basil questioned as he walked in, remembering the attempted murder from last night, he naturally remained vigilant.

There was a person lying on the living room sofa—it was Xenia Wendleton. Her eyes were tightly shut, her face pale.

"You came back at noon, aren't you working in the afternoon?" Basil asked as he walked over.

Xenia Wendleton didn't respond to Basil. She slowly opened her eyes, then closed them again.

"Why do you have the air conditioning so low? You'll catch a cold." Basil walked over, picked up the blanket that was on the floor, and gently covered her.