Chapter 76 Ending Single Life_1

By the time Basil Jaak arrived home, it was already midnight. He presumed Xenia Wendleton would've been asleep by then, but alas, she was still hard in her thought next to her laptop, writing her news article.

"Planning on burning the midnight oil again?" Basil questioned Xenia as he took off his shoes.

"Uhm!" Xenia responded with a nod.

"What kind of a TV station do they run, forcing you on these frequent late nights, treating you like the apple of their eye!" Basil looked at the words written on Xenia's monitor and sighed on her behalf.

"There's no other choice, the news industry we're in is really competitive." Xenia took a long stretch then lowered her head with despair, "I'm preparing this article for a competition so I need to be very careful. I cannot afford any inaccurate sentences, missing or wrong characters, improper vocabulary or any mistaken expressions. If feasible, I would like you to review it."