Chapter 93: Good, Very Good _1

"Actually, I just happened to overhear this whole thing." Kobe recalled the scene that day, speaking slowly, "That night, Lucius invited a person named Nala to the bar for drinks, and I went along. I heard that this guy messes around in the Ghost City, he was here this time to collect some debts along the way. At some point, I got a stomachache and went to the bathroom."

"Lucius, I have a stomachache, I need to go to the bathroom," Kobe shouted, clutching his stomach.

"Go, go, make sure you clean your ass before you come back." Lucius was so carried away that he didn't pay much attention to Kobe, waved him off and continued to drink with Nala.

After Kobe left, he realized he didn't have his cigarettes with him. He was about to go back to get them, but he heard Lucius and Nala talking about something, their voices lowered to a heady murmur. Out of curiosity, he leaned against the door to eavesdrop.