Chapter 383: Poisoned_1

Basil Jaak suddenly took control of the situation, which was quite surprising to Alger, but don't forget that he still had one last trump card unplayed.

"Hmph, don't get too cocky, Basil Jaak. Worst comes to worst, we all die together." Alger yelled defiantly.

No wonder he's so cocky. The bomb attached to Xenia was professionally made, and it would be impossible for ordinary people like Basil Jaak to disarm it in such a short time let alone a professional bomb disposal expert, the final outcome would still be unknown.

As for succeeding in such a short time, it was simply an unattainable goal!

Basil Jaak scoffed, "Watch and see if I can't."

It wasn't Basil Jaak's first time disarming a bomb. As early as with Fiona Turner, he had successfully disarmed a bomb, so compared to the first time, Basil Jaak seemed even more professional this time.