Chapter 88 - Maybe So_1

Kayson proudly made a face at Basil Jaak, shouting, "Let's go!"

Yawning, Basil Jaak followed behind Kayson, he couldn't comprehend how such a daring woman like Kayson, wouldn't even visit the restroom without someone's company.

Kayson turned around to glare at Basil Jaak, grumbled irritably, "Are you very sleepy?"

"Just figuring it out now, are you?" Basil Jaak purposely yawned in Kayson's direction, displaying intense fatigue.

"You... Hmph, a guy who prioritizes passion over friendship!" Kayson rolled her eyes speechlessly and stalked off ahead.

Basil Jaak followed Kayson to the bathroom, leaning against the sink, raising an eyebrow with a mischievous grin, "Shall I come in with you?"

Kayson shot him a look, snarled, "You try come in!" Then, with a thud, she shut the bathroom door.

Basil Jaak stood outside, chuckling to himself, thinking, nowadays all the young girls are so violent.