Chapter 245: Get the Certificate First_1

According to the customs in Debby Sutton's household, everyone dresses neatly to welcome the arrival of the New Year together!

As the New Year's bell rang, Dale was the first to pay his respects to Lenwood Willock and Mrs. Sutton, immediately receiving two large red envelopes. He then turned to Basil Jaak and Debby Sutton, bowed respectfully and said, "Dale wishes brother-in-law Basil a year that's rip-roaring, growing more relaxed with age; and wishes elder sister to have a baby who's fair and chubby!"

"You young man!" Debby Sutton chuckled, taking out a red envelope for Dale.

Seeing this, Basil Jaak also emulated her, handing over the prepared red envelope to Dale and advised, "Study hard, so you can be distinguished in the future!"

"Ha ha, brother-in-law, you're my role model. I'll learn from you in the future." Dale laughed.

Basil Jaak shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "Why learn from me? I'm just a security guard!"