A gunshot suddenly shattered the quiet within the villa.
Robin fired a shot, but saw Ghost already grabbing his wrist, causing the bullet to miss the mark.
At the same time, the pistol fell to the ground.
As Robin bent down to pick it up, Ghost kicked it under the sofa.
"Damn it, you think you're the only one who can shoot?"
Enraged, Robin clenched his fists with a cracking sound and launched a flurry of punches at Ghost.
Meanwhile, Cheney and Walter were already reaching for their guns to take aim at Basil Jaak.
"You wouldn't heed my words when I sought to settle this through dialogue; now you force me to fight, and you're only bringing suffering upon yourselves!"
As the two men drew their pistols, Basil Jaak, seemingly out of nowhere, had several bamboo darts in his hand, tossing two out. The darts, sharp as swords, pierced through the palms of Cheney and Walter!
The darts nailed into the wall a distance away, trailing thin strands of blood!