In the Six Islands, being granted the position of an elder not only comes with a high monthly stipend, but also access to most of the Sect's secret cultivation scriptures, which can be freely borrowed and practiced. There is also a monthly pill reward. This is a symbol of status and even more so, a tilt in cultivation resources.
Besides that, important positions such as the Law Enforcement Elder, the Sect Leader and Island Master, must be selected from among the elders. Therefore, being granted the position of an elder on any island of the Six Islands is a cause for great celebration.
Especially since Basil Jaak is not yet thirty years old!
According to both the first and second rules of being promoted to elder on the island, Basil Jaak meets neither.
Therefore, when Gilbert More's entourage went ahead to notify all the major elders and direct disciples of Bamboo Island, everyone who was informed was utterly shocked.