Chapter 650: Austin Cliffe Faints from Rage

Austin Cliffe tore open the envelope, unfolded the letter inside, and saw only one sentence written on it: "Keep your head on your shoulders, it's mine."

After reading it, Austin Cliffe gently set the envelope down and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing his extremely troubled expression, his family asked, "Are you, are you alright?"

"I'm fine... Puh!"

As soon as Austin Cliffe opened his mouth, a mouthful of fresh blood sprayed out.

The shock of the day had been too great. Moreover, as someone naturally proud and narrow-minded, being toyed with by Basil Jaak to the extent that he could barely protect his own family members and receiving a humiliating letter from Basil Jaak, how could he not be furious?

Fury struck his heart, causing him to spit three mouthfuls of fresh blood, and had his family not supported him, he would have fallen to the ground unconscious.

"I want to go after Basil Jaak, I want to kill him!"

A crazed roar echoed within the Cliffe Mansion.