Chapter 009: Class Flower's Plea for Help Phone Call_1

Chapter 009 The Class Flower's Call for Help

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Zhang Songsheng, in the end, couldn't taste the West Red Silk Gravy Noodles cooked by Liu Shiqing himself. Just as he got to Liu Shiqing's house, his mother urgently summoned him back with a phone call.

Liu Shiqing opened his home door, hit the bed and immediately fell asleep. The next day, Liu Shiqing called Zhang Songsheng and learned that his father's Food Processing Factory ran into some trouble. The factory's accountant absconded with all the cash, leaving the workers worried about their salaries. During the attempt to calm the workers, his father accidentally got pushed, fell, and broke his arm. If it hadn't been for that, his parents hadn't planned on telling him about the troubles at the factory.

Zhang Songsheng's voice on the phone was filled with infinite fatigue. Facing such an unforeseen event for the first time, he felt somewhat panicked.

Liu Shiqing asked for Zhang Songsheng's whereabouts, took out his bankbook, withdrew all the money, and then bought some fruit, rushing to the hospital.

"Auntie, I have over ten thousand yuan here, take it for emergency use." Liu Shiqing handed the money wrapped in newspaper to Zhang Songsheng's mother, Guan Yasong.

Guan Yasong knew Liu Shiqing's situation well and refused, "Shiqing, I can't take your money. Your parents aren't around, and you must've saved this bit of money with difficulty. Keep it for a rainy day."

Liu Shiqing replied with a smile: "Auntie, Songsheng and I are brothers. You and uncle have taken care of me a lot in the past. So, your family issues are mine as well. Watching Songsheng hang his head like a dead chicken, I also feel uncomfortable. Take this money, I won't need it for a while anyway."

Zhang Songsheng grabbed the money from his mom, took out the ten thousand, and said, "Mom, we'll keep these ten thousand, and let Shiqing take the rest. We shouldn't waste his money."

"What are you saying, kid?" Guan Yasong replied, annoyed. Knowing the relationship between her son and Liu Shiqing, and their family's current financial need, she refrained from refusing.

He hung out with Guan Yasong and her son, and then Liu Shiqing asked to leave. Zhang Songsheng escorted him to the hospital entrance. "Songsheng, cheer up, just keep moving forward without peeking sideways, you'll get over this difficulty."

Zhang Songsheng suddenly extended his arms and hugged Liu Shiqing, "Shiqing, thank you."

Liu Shiqing forcibly shook off Zhang Songsheng, "Creep, get out of the way."

"You're the creep. You just blew the atmosphere broodingly cultivated." Zhang Songsheng's youthfully vibrant look came back to his face.

Liu Shiqing laughed: "This is the Zhang Songsheng I know. Don't walk around looking solemn all the time, as if someone owes you five million. Haven't you guys already reported the incident? I believe the authorities will solve the case quickly, then the money will be retrieved, right?"

Zhang Songsheng sighed, "Even if the police solve the case quickly, we are still worried the accountant will squander the money in such a short time. That's nearly five hundred thousand yuan in cash. I wonder how that bastard dares to steal it? My dad has never treated him poorly before."

On the way home, Liu Shiqing had a flurry of thoughts. The predicament at Zhang's Food Processing Factory made him realize a lot in an instant. Both about human resource management, and his understanding of money. If the Zhang's factory had a million in cash, even if the accountant ran away with half a million, wouldn't there still be another half? They wouldn't be in such a crisis then, right?

Furthermore, this incident served as a wake-up call for Liu Shiqing. His parents were older than Guan Yasong's couple. If someday they met with disasters or got seriously ill, and he couldn't even afford the medical bills, he wouldn't believe that the money-oriented hospitals would save his parents. Maybe before, Liu Shiqing lacked the ability. But now, with the Signal Receiver that could connect to the future, he could easily find ways to make money and turn them into Huaxia Currency.

The saying goes, "If there's grain in the hand, there's no panic in the heart." This grain, in Liu Shiqing's case, must refer to Huaxia Currency. He wouldn't be able to buy a house full of grain and hoard it.

When Liu Shiqing arrived at the residential area, it was nearly noon. He didn't feel like cooking at home, so he turned into a roadside noodle shop and ordered a bowl of pulled noodles. While the boss was cooking the noodles, a news broadcast on the TV in the shop caught Liu Shiqing's attention —The Executive Director of the United Nations World Food Program, Topféder, stated in Rome that the global desertification phenomenon is becoming increasingly severe. If we can't stop this phenomenon in time, the global cultivated land will become less and less. The responsible person also specifically pointed out that the upcoming FAO conference will focus on the cultivation issue in Huaxia. According to an informed insider who wished to remain anonymous, Huaxia has a large amount of desertified and half-desertified land. Local government officials, in the pursuit of GDP growth, conceal it from the central government and encroach on cultivated land. Western countries worry that soon, Huaxia won't be able to feed its population of over 1.3 billion.

The noodle shop owner put the ramen in front of Liu Shiqing, "Your noodles are done."

Liu Shiqing gave the owner the money, picked up the disposable chopsticks from the table, and started to eat.

After returning home, Liu Shiqing turned on the Signal Receiver and began to explore the Internet in the future world. He focused on finding out how to use existing conditions and find ways to make money. After a while, Liu Shiqing found nothing. The content on the future Internet was incredibly rich, but there was very little information on how to get rich. Just like on the current Internet, there are countless business opportunities, but once it comes to concrete steps, details become scarce. Nobody would publish their way of making money.

Liu Shiqing was not discouraged. He was still in the phase of getting familiar with the Signal Receiver. He couldn't believe that the Signal Receiver, capable of receiving multiple network signals from nearly seven hundred years in the future, could not provide him with some information to make him rich.

"Thinking back, when my sister first came from Jiangnan..." Just as Liu Shiqing was engrossed in the Internet from the future world, his cellphone suddenly played Wang Junan's Yue Opera segment.

Liu Shiqing grabbed the cell phone and pressed the answer key, "Hello..."

The Class Flower's voice came from the phone, "Liu Shiqing, come quickly, I and Zheng Li are at the Heaven and Earth Bar. It seems someone drugged us. Come and save us."

Liu Shiqing's heart thumped, "You two hang on, I'll be right there to save you."

Liu Shiqing rushed out of the house, hailed a taxi, and asked the driver to drive as fast as possible to the Heaven and Earth Bar. When he jumped from the taxi, he saw the Class Flower and Zheng Li helping each other, walking out of the bar. Both of them had flushed faces and looked flirty. It was obvious they were not acting normal.