Chapter 011: Earth Ancient Technology Network_1

Chapter 011 Earth Ancient Technology Network

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Liu Shiqing asked the on-duty doctor to come over and checked Zheng Li and Guo Qianrong. After confirming that they were both fine, Liu Shiqing sent them home. Zheng Li's parents warmly invited Liu Shiqing to stay for dinner. Liu Shiqing made some idle chat with Zheng Li's parents but didn't mention anything about Zhou Yupeng. Zheng Li's parents are honest working class folks, both employed in a machinery factory in Wuling City. The factory is not doing very well and is in a semi-operational state, so their salaries are never fully paid on time. Fortunately, the machinery factory was prosperous back in the 90s and had a welfare housing policy. Zheng Li's parents caught the last bus of this policy and got a house from their unit. Then, a few years ago, during the city reconstruction, their welfare house was demolished and the developer gave them a new house. This gave them a shelter in the increasingly expensive Wuling City. Otherwise, with their salary level, even if they were cut into pieces and sold by weight, they could not afford a commercial house in Wuling City where the housing prices are more than 5,000 yuan per square meter.

After having dinner at Zheng Li's house, Liu Shiqing said goodbye. Back home, Liu Shiqing pondered on how to deal with Zhou Yupeng. If he used violent means, firstly, Liu Shiqing didn't know any martial arts; secondly, Zhou Yupeng's father was the principal of County No.1 Middle School. If Zhou Yupeng got beaten up, wouldn't the county solve the case immediately? His parents, a civil servant and a teacher, didn't have any connections, otherwise they wouldn't have been chosen for the challenging and tedious task of aid-Tibet.

Thinking it over, Liu Shiqing had no idea what to do, so he turned on his 29-inch color TV which he hadn't used for over a month. This TV has a history of over a decade. It's neither flat screen nor portable, plus it takes up quite a bit of space.

He picked up the remote control and started flipping channels casually. Suddenly, a news report on the news channel caught Liu Shiqing's attention. He had already seen this news at noon when he was eating noodles in the noodle shop. It was a speech given by the executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme.

Liu Shiqing's eyes lit up. He quickly turned off the TV and opened the signal receiver on his wrist. Instantly, a holographic browser appeared in front of Liu Shiqing, along with a holographic touch keyboard. The signal receiver adapted to Liu Shiqing's habits, but in fact, Liu Shiqing could control it with brain waves.

First, Liu Shiqing connected to the future Internet, opened a search engine, and entered the keyword - desert management, then hit enter. In a flash, countless streams of data appeared in front of Liu Shiqing, and the holographic projection listed tens of thousands of entries.

Liu Shiqing opened the first website, which surprised him with its name - Earth Ancient Technology Network, abbreviated as Ancient Science Network. This is a website developed by a group of archaeology enthusiasts in the future world. They use their spare time to showcase the ancient technologies of Earth. Of course, this "ancient" is relative to people 600-700 years in the future. For Liu Shiqing, it would be considered modern or even future technology.

In the desert management section, Liu Shiqing smoothly found out the methods of desert management. It's safe to say humans are very clever. Whenever they are forced to the edge of the cliff, they always think of effective methods. Liu Shiqing saw on the Ancient Science Network that around the year 2060, governments around the world increased their input into desert management, especially Middle Eastern countries. After the depletion of petroleum, the not-willing-to-resort-to-fate Middle Eastern countries jointly offered a $10 billion reward, publicly soliciting effective desert management solutions from scientists around the world. Shortly afterwards, effective solutions were gradually found by scientists.

When it came to desert management, different solutions were put forward by different scientists due to their different thinking. Liu Shiqing spent some time looking over these, and his head started to hurt. The amount of information on the Ancient Science Network is very rich and detailed, but there are too many professional terminologies and numbers. For Liu Shiqing, it was like reading Greek.

Bearing with the discomfort, Liu Shiqing browsed the information. Just when his head was about to burst, he found an understandable paper. This paper was written by a botanist who used existing desert plants on Earth, mainly through hybridization, and then paired with genetic technology. He extracts the effective genes from various desert plants such as cactus, sea buckthorn, desert jujube, desert poplar and so on. After a series of processes, a new plant, which is particularly suitable for desert areas, is finally bred. That botanist named this new plant Desert Poplar.

Without hesitation, Liu Shiqing copied the paper and filtered it carefully from the top several times. Liu Shiqing gave a sneer, "Zhou Yupeng, wait for your bad luck."

Liu Shiqing found an old outfit, dressed it and put an old hat in a plastic bag. After leaving home, he found a secluded place, got dressed in the old clothes and hat, pulled the brim of the hat down low to cover most of his face, and then Liu Shiqing bought a pair of sunglasses from a roadside stall for ten yuan, which could cover most of his face.

Liu Shiqing remembered his classmates saying that there were some dark internet cafes in Wuling City. The internet access was cheap and there was no surveillance. Liu Shiqing hopped on a public bus, wandered around half of Wuling City, and sure enough, he found a dark internet café in a small alley. Liu Shiqing put on his sunglasses, pulled his hat brim lower, and went into the internet café.

"Boss, I want to use the internet." Liu Shiqing muffled his voice by putting a small walnut in his mouth.

"One yuan an hour, how long are you planning to use?" The boss of the dark Internet cafe asked.

"Let's do one hour for now." Liu Shiqing took out a coin.

"Machine number 23." The boss of dark Internet cafe paid no attention to Liu Shiqing's disguise. He pays protection fees every month and no one usually dares to mess around here.

Liu Shiqing sat next to machine number 23, turned on the computer, and transferred the paper titled "Desert Plant Remodelling and Cultivation" from the Ancient Science Network to the computer in front of him using the wireless transmission mode of the signal receiver. This function of the signal receiver does not require any matching equipment. As long as it is within a certain range, it can effectively control the target electronic device.

On a portal website, Liu Shiqing registered an email account in Zhou Yupeng's name, then added the email address of the American Science Magazine to the contact list. Afterwards, Liu Shiqing edited the paper, especially omitting two critical steps.

Then, Liu Shiqing, imitating Zhou Yupeng's tone, wrote a brief letter introducing himself. He attached this paper to the email and sent it to the email address of the American Science Magazine.