Chapter 015: They Are All Looking for Zhou Yupeng_1

Chapter 015 Everyone's Looking for Zhou Yupeng

Before the Principal Zhou Yiliang could speak, the reporters aimed their cameras at him, "Are you Principal Zhou? We would like to know if the paper 'The Modification and Cultivation of Desert Plants' published in the latest issue of the United States' 'Science' magazine was written by Zhou Yupeng, a student from Wuling County No.1 Middle School?"

Zhou Yiliang was somewhat taken aback. Wasn't Zhou Yupeng the problematic kid who always got him into trouble? When did he become so accomplished as to submit papers to 'Science' Magazine? Years of experience as a principal allowed Zhou Yiliang to quickly regain his composure, "Dear journalists, this isn't a place for discussions. How about we move to the conference room in the office building? I can take your interviews there. Meanwhile, I will use this opportunity to summon Zhou Yupeng for you."

The reporters exchanged glances and felt that Zhou Yiliang's suggestion was reasonable; after all, Zhou Yupeng was their target for this interview.

Zhou Yiliang quickly had the doorman open the electronic retractable gate. At this time, the Vice Principal, Dean Of Teaching Affairs, and other school leaders were also alerted and hurried over. Zhou Yiliang whispered a few words to them, then let them lead the journalists to the conference room in the office building. Meanwhile, he ran towards Class 3 of the Second Year of High School.

Upon everyone's departure, the long ignored Li Ziran and Liu Shiqing both breathed a sigh of relief. Li Ziran was relieved because the crowd was gone and the pressure was lifted. Liu Shiqing was happy because his plan to bring Zhou Yupeng down had finally succeeded. Zhou Yupeng's misfortune was imminent. Once all the journalists arrived to interview him, Zhou Yupeng would be exhaustively interrogated. Regardless of how Zhou Yupeng responded, the inevitable annoyance was secondary. The key issue was that he couldn't make clear his story. His frustration was foreseeable. His father would surely give Zhou Yupeng a severe lesson. The other school leaders would also come up with ideas detrimental to Zhou Yupeng's growth.

"Liu Shiqing, what is going on? Why are so many people looking for Zhou Yupeng?" Li Ziran asked.

Liu Shiqing casually responded: "Head of Class, who knows? Maybe Zhou Yupeng did something earth-shattering? Otherwise, how could reporters from Huaxia Central Television and Huaxia News Agency come to interview him?"

Li Ziran thought about it and agreed. Yet she couldn't figure out what major event Zhou Yupeng could have done to draw the attention of reporters from two national level media organizations.

Zhou Yiliang twisted his hefty body and ran panting to the entrance of Class 3 in the Second Year of High School. At that moment, he didn't care that the class was in session and thundered at the door, "Zhou Yupeng, get out here now."

The students in Class 3 were all startled. The teacher on the podium almost had a heart attack. He turned his head and saw that it was Principal Zhou Yiliang. The anger rising in his throat was forcefully swallowed. "Zhou Yupeng, the principal is calling for you."

In the past, Zhou Yiliang had never sought him out within the school premises. This was a first for him. Even though Zhou Yupeng could be a bit slow, he knew this was serious. He quickly moved from behind his desk, running out of the classroom.

Without waiting for Zhou Yupeng to call him 'Dad', Zhou Yiliang grabbed Zhou Yupeng and dragged him off. At the staircase, Zhou Yiliang lowered his voice, "You little rascal, have you caused any trouble recently?"

Zhou Yupeng got a chill in his heart. Even though he was Zhou Yiliang's only son and Zhou Yiliang rarely disciplined him, Zhou Yiliang would always discipline him harshly when he got in trouble. Zhou Yupeng shook his head vigorously, "No Dad, recently I've been focussed on my studies. I haven't been goofing off."

Zhou Yupeng wasn't lying. The second year classes were preparing to select top students to participate in the College Entrance Examination to experience the exam atmosphere in advance. The head teacher of Class 3 had talked to Zhou Yupeng, making it clear that even though he was the principal's son, if he couldn't produce an acceptable report card, the head teacher wouldn't risk taking him to the examination site. After all, the College Entrance Examination site can destroy a person's will, it wouldn't do to make a well-intended gesture only to create problems later.

The majority of Zhou Yupeng's peers knew about his relationship with the principal. For young people, face is of utmost importance. Unable to take the College Entrance Examination in advance despite using his connections, it would be impossible for him to raise his head in front of his classmates. After all, as students, the most important thing is academic performance. This traditional principle holds strong in every school across Huaxia. So, Zhou Yupeng collected himself and focused his efforts on his studies. His grievances against Liu Shiqing was put on hold until his name was confirmed on the examination list, after which he intended to settle the score.

"You little rascal, don't think about tricking me. I'll ask your teachers later. If you dare to lie to me, you'll see what happens." Zhou Yiliang barked.

"Dad, you didn't come to ask me about such a trivial matter, did you?" Zhou Yupeng, although clever, just didn't utilize his skills properly.

"I was almost deceived by you." Zhou Yiliang became serious, "Did you send a manuscript to 'Science' Magazine?"

Zhou Yupeng momentarily froze, "What magazine?"

"The scientific magazine from the United States, one of the world's most authoritative science magazines. In the latest issue of 'Science' Magazine, a signed paper named 'The Modification and Cultivation of Desert Plants' was published. The author wasn't somebody else but you. It mentioned that you are a student of Class 3, Second Year at Wuling County No.1 Middle School. 'Science' magazine has been in publication for over a century but this is the first time they've published a science paper written by a high school student. I'll ask you once again: did you write this paper?" Zhou Yiliang looked at his son full of hope. He hadn't yet had the chance to read 'Science' magazine, but he knew that the significance of having a paper published in the world's most authoritative science magazine was immense. This publication would make his son's university applications to Shuimu or Yan University a breeze. Furthermore, after graduating from university, the paper would be a golden ticket to any possible opportunity. Being a father, his wish was to see his son succeed.

Zhou Yupeng was quite experienced when it came to causing trouble and mischief but it was his first time hearing about 'Science' Magazine. However, he was aware enough to recognise that any magazine associated with a superpower must be top-notch. He didn't think twice before responding, "Yeah, I wrote it."

Zhou Yiliang didn't have time to delve deeper right now. He got exactly the answer he was waiting for from Zhou Yupeng. He grabbed Zhou Yupeng's arm, "Let's go quickly, you rascal. The smartest thing I've done in my life was having a son like you. Oh my, our family must be blessed. Come, quickly, let's go. Later, let your mom reward you properly. She will take you to Wuling Guesthouse and treat you to a big meal."