Chapter 046 First Million in Life_1

Chapter 046: The First Million in Life

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Zheng Li's mother is only in her late forties which means she still has to work for another seven or eight years before officially retiring. During this time, Zheng Li's family will be living with financial constraints. Nowadays, education is a high-cost burden. If Zheng Li gets into university, the annual cost is at least ten thousand yuan. If he studies a popular major, the tuition alone could be nearly ten thousand yuan.

"Okay, Lili, I'll think about what kind of small business your aunt can do. When you go back, tell your aunt and uncle not to worry. If Lili gets into university and your uncle and aunt can't afford it, then I'll figure it out." Liu Shiqing promised magnanimously.

Zheng Li leaned his head on Liu Shiqing's arm, "I knew Brother Shiqing treats me best."