Chapter 151 Your Safety Comes First [Four More and Twelve Thousand Burst Out, Ask for a Vote]_1

Chapter 151 Your Safety Comes First [Fourth update, explosion of 12,000 words, votes needed]

Chen Junwei and Tao Hentian both breathed a sigh of relief, and their attention turned to Liu Shiqing. Without further thought, they drove towards Liu, intending to take him into the off-road vehicle.

Just as the off-road vehicle pulled up beside the small car that had crashed into the ditch, Chen Junwei glanced back and was shocked to realize that the driver was still alive. There was a ferocious look in his eyes, and he forcefully pressed the red button in his hand.

With a loud bang, the small car turned into a fireball. The explosion's abrupt airflow reached the off-road vehicle passing by. The force was so strong it toppled the vehicle. Hitting their heads hard on the car body, both Chen Junwei and Tao Hentian got knocked out instantly.