Chapter 158 - Even if You Hang Yourself a Hundred Times [Third Update]_1

Chapter 158: Even if you hang yourself a hundred times[Third Update]

Chen Junwei chuckled, "Who says a captain can't crack a joke? Moreover, you're my 'elder' as Junior Uncle Master; you're not my subordinate. If I had to maintain a stern face while talking to you, it would be awfully uncomfortable."

Liu Shiqing snorted. Chen Junwei, a year older than him, had never taken a formal stand in front of him; instead, he had always acted as the junior generation. As for the "Junior Uncle Master", it was purely a joke. Nowadays, apart from those related by blood, who cares about generations? Even more so, he was just Chen Zhuolin's nominal disciple, not yet officially a part of the inner circle.

"Junior Uncle Master, get in the car. Let Hentian drive us over." Chen Junwei urged Liu Shiqing into the off-road vehicle, "Hentian, to Zhao's Mansion."