Chapter 184 Is everyone in your family a dragon or phoenix?_1

Chapter 184 Is Everyone in Your Family Exceptional?

Liu Shiqing waited for less than twenty minutes at the entrance of the International Trade Building, when an Audi car pulled up in front of him. Guo Quanzhou, Guo Qianrong and a middle-aged woman Liu Shiqing had never seen before got out of the car. The middle-aged woman was quite attractive, with white, tight skin, and a graceful figure, looking like she was only in her early thirties. She was also dressed very appropriately in a grey-black women's suit, and had shoulder-length hair as well as beautiful, captivating eyes. When she stood next to Guo Qianrong, they looked like a pair of flower-like sisters.

"Liu Shiqing, you didn't make it clear on the phone just now, could you repeat who's here?" asked Guo Qianrong.

"From what your auntie was saying, it sounded like it's your Third Grandma. There's also your Third Grandma's cousin, and their daughter." Liu Shiqing said, not minding the mouthful.