Chapter 207: Reputation Correspondingly Grows Fast [Third Update]_3

Hao Baoxiong didn't get angry, but laughed and said, "Mrs. Kong makes a point, but what I just said was just an example for easy calculation. Increasing by ten-fold every time was just for simplicity. If we want to reduce risk, we can also double the amount each time. Even if you only win on the thirtieth time, the total investment is just over two billion, and the final profit is over one hundred percent. Of course, it takes a little longer, but it is definitely much faster than making money in real estate. Over two billion, I wonder if Galaxy Industry can afford it?"

Liu Shiqing chuckled, "Mr. Hao, that's very interesting, I would like to try it. How about this, you will handle buying lottery tickets for me according to your plan. The final winnings, I will give you one percent, how does that sound?"

Hao Baoxiong wryly smiled: "Chairman, don't you think a one percent commission is too low?"