Chapter 231 - All These Titles Refer to One Person_2

Christopher Blair's firm stance indicated that he planned to conduct business impartially, leaving no room for Liu Shiqing to exploit. If Liu Shiqing wanted Wang Fujia and Yang Jinfeng to participate in tonight's concert, he would have to demonstrate his true abilities.

This was England, not Huaxia. Even if Liu Shiqing were very influential in Huaxia, here he had to follow English rules. His gaze swept over the faces of Yang Jinfeng, Wang Fujia, and the others, finally settling on Wang Fujia. "Fujia," he said, "you're up. Let Mr. Blair and Mr. Riley be your judges."

Wang Fujia was a bit nervous, but there was no room for retreat now. If she retreated, she would be letting down not just her own reputation, but also that of her father, Liu Shiqing, and even all of Huaxia - all of which were at stake today. So not only could she not step back, but she also needed to make a strong first impression on Christopher Blair.