Chapter 233: Conquer the World with the Song of Huaxia (Second Update)_1

Chapter 233: Conquering the World with Huaxia's Song [Second Update]

Having chosen the path of an artist, whether it's dancing, playing an instrument, singing or otherwise, the desire to become famous is deeply engrained in them. This desire is not necessarily tied to money. Often, it's about seeking a larger stage to exhibit their abilities to the world.

However, being an artist isn't easy. The field is not only teeming with newcomers and myriad talents but also filled with established artists who unwittingly become obstacles for up-and-comers. Many entertainment companies, for various reasons, prefer investing resources in well-known artists, leaving fewer opportunities for newcomers. After all, no one can guarantee that a newcomer will become a mainstay in the entertainment circle. An artist who was initially promising might unexpectedly become a box office failure.