Chapter 262: Choose What You Want [Third Update]_1

Chapter 262: Choose whatever you want (Third update)

The end of the month is approaching. Who still has monthly tickets? Hurry up and vote!

After dinner, Dai Guobin drove Liu Shiqing to Yanjing West Railway Station. Near the entrance, Liu Shiqing encountered the two female soldiers, Duan Liyi and Song Yihan. Duan Liyi was in civilian clothes, while Song Yihan was dressed in a police uniform, her rank was a junior officer. Upon seeing Dai Guobin, both of them saluted immediately, "Commander, Duan Liyi (Song Yihan) is reporting for duty as instructed."

Dai Guobin returned the salute, "Comrades Duan Liyi and Song Yihan, this is General Manager Liu. From now on, you two will be responsible for his safety. I hope you won't let down the trust that the headquarters has placed in you and will ensure his safety."