Chapter 269: Fourteen Billion Hearts Beating With His [Second Update]_1

Chapter 269: Fourteen Billion Hearts Are Beating in Sync with Him {second update}

Seeing that Chang Huimin was still somewhat hesitant, Liu Shiqing took out his cellphone. This was the same phone he had bought back in high school. Accompanied by his mom, they had spent more than four hundred bucks for this imitation brand, which was equipped with functions like Bluetooth, a camera, MP4, etc. It's features were not inferior to those of brand name phones and, moreover, it hadn't given him any issues even after more than two years of usage. Liu Shiqing was accustomed to this phone, so he didn't deliberately change it. Besides, he didn't need to spend thousands or even tens of thousands to prove anything to others.

From the storage card of his cellphone, Liu Shiqing selected a song. He pressed the play button. The song was "Lolita", the famous debut song of Ali-Jay, a well-known female singer from Gaule.