Chapter 272: Rewarding You with 5000 Yuan Scholarship [Second Update]_1

Chapter 272 - Rewarding You with 5,000 Dollars in Scholarship〖second update〗

Liu Shiqing could no longer tailor-make programs for these Art Soldiers as he did for Wang Fujia and Xia Kangtian and provide them with musical tunes from the Future World's music library. The purpose of doing so previously was to boost the reputation of the Galaxy Entertainment as quickly as possible and to pave the way into the market for performing arts. Now with Galaxy Entertainment having established substantial recognition, there was no need for such urgent attempts for immediate success. Moreover, with the team growing to around thirty, the management was much more complex than before. Therefore, Liu Shiqing would refrain from investing too much effort in them till he had a clear understanding of them because, in his eyes, Numerically Controlled Machine tools were far more important than these Art Soldiers.