Chapter 323 - These are Problems That Can Be Solved With Money (Third Update)_2

After being tested three times in succession, it seems that Little William was indeed born for this. He got better with each run, and his best time to date was 9.89 seconds.

"Director Liu, you mentioned that you found this promising talent in Shanghai City. Can you tell me more about where exactly? I'm curious about who missed such a golden opportunity. I must bring this up and at least deduct half a year's bonus from the leaders of the Shanghai City Track and Field Department," asked Cui Xianfu.

Even now, Liu Shiqing still felt quite proud recalling the incident. The Xinzhuang Training Base in Shanghai was Liu Xiang's springboard to fame, and a renowned national track and field training center. He managed to poach Yue Weilian from under their noses. The coaches and leaders of Xinzhuang, if they knew, would probably want to bang their heads against a block of tofu.