Chapter 343 Boss, I really didn't lie to you [Third update]_1

Chapter 343 "Boss, I Really Didn't Lie to You [third update]"

Duan Liyi briefly reported the investigation results, then left the chairman's office. As bodyguards, they usually stand outside the office. The security measures here are very comprehensive and it is not necessary to always stick beside Liu Shiqing. If they do that, both Liu Shiqing and themselves would be troubled.

Liu Shiqing scanned the materials in his hand, which were very detailed, including photocopies of Komura Takako's birth certificate and hospital medical records. He didn't know how the intelligence agents had gathered so much information in such a short period. Perhaps Komura Takako had attracted the attention of Huaxia's intelligence agents from a very early stage. This was the only explanation as to why they had been able to gather such comprehensive information so quickly.