Chapter 419: Worthy of Her Doing So [Third Update]_1

Chapter 419 Worth doing this〖Third update〗

Chen Junwei leaned into Liu Shiqing and lowered his voice, "Junior Uncle Master, should we and Hentian take action? As long as we falsely accuse Luo Biyu of a crime, she won't have a chance in her lifetime."

Liu Shiqing shook his head, "No need for now, it's not suitable for the military to intervene in the feud between the Three Hands Sect and the Iron Leg Sect. If we do, the nature of the situation will change. Besides, we currently have the upper hand, it's just a small diversion in our monotonous life."

Chen Junwei shrugged. Since Liu Shiqing did not want them to intervene, they were glad to be at leisure, as long as Liu Shiqing was fine, he could do whatever he wanted.

"By the way, Junwei, get some lightweight bulletproof vests with good protective capabilities for Rongrong and Sister Yang to wear. In case anyone attacks them, it will provide them with some protection." Liu Shiqing said.