Chapter 463: It's Important to Be Approachable (Second Update)_1

Chapter 463 - It's important to be down to earth (Second)

If this were an ordinary person, they would be scared stiff with so many generals staring at them. However, Liu Shiqing just smiled faintly, "Generals, allow me to introduce someone to you, our Deputy General Manager and Research Department Manager of Galaxy Industry, who is also the director of the first experiment, granddaughter of Academician Guo Shike and Academician Qian Jingqi of Huaxia Academy of Sciences, and also my girlfriend, Ms. Guo Qianrong."

As Liu Shiqing added some terrifying titles to Guo Qianrong's name without so much as a blush, he reached out to Guo Qianrong who was not far away.