Chapter 468 - I Don't Really Believe It_1

Chapter 468 I don't quite believe

Getting into a fight together is seemingly a good way to foster a more harmonious relationship between people. When She Shengmin and the others confronted Liu Shiqing, they felt much closer to him. Previously, Liu Shiqing always seemed unapproachable and aloof. That feeling has now diminished greatly.

Of course, through this incident, they realized a fact. Liu Shiqing was a man of great influence, he had beaten up a military police officer of the Yanjing Garrison area, so the commander of the Yanjing Garrison not only didn't blame him but came to apologize in person. Reflecting on a few months back when they challenged such a person, their behavior seems ridiculously naive.

The four male students who needed hospital observation were all placed in the same ward; Liu Shiqing assured them not to worry about the hospital and nutrition fees, as someone was covering for them.