Chapter 475: Waiting to Receive the Prize at The People's Congress Hall (Second Update) _1

"Whether there is a solution, don't ask me. We, the Danone Group, are a world-renowned food and beverage group, not a scientific research institution. If there is a solution, you must ask yourselves. You are the inventors of the Prometheus One, the ones who know it best in the world. You'd better hurry up. According to the development of things, within ten or fifteen days, there may not be a big deal. If you can find a way out during this time, maybe there's still a chance to save it; you still have us, the Danone Group, maybe you can preserve your reputation. Although your reputation may be damaged, there's always a day to turn around. If you can't do that, we'll be in trouble." Jacques Jean Vique becomes more and more depressed as he speaks, "I'm really a bastard, why did I initially suggest to the president to cooperate with you?"