Chapter 32 I am black, but I am strong_1

(Catch the Tri-River Interview at 7:30 pm, brothers and sisters are all welcome ~)


In this prime city centre location where every inch of land is worth its weight in gold, it's clearly impractical to run a cafeteria that caters to thousands of employees at once. The cafeteria is not small by any means, but it can only accommodate three to four hundred people at once, necessitating meal shifts.

Maintaining order and preventing the likes of friction and fights might sound simple, but it's actually quite taxing. Especially in this bustling cafeteria, with its non-stop influx of people and an accompanying cacophony. But once he got used to the initial lack of familiarity, Yves King quickly found his stride.

One should always learn to find joy in dreary work, and that's just what Yves King is doing. In a company of over a thousand employees, there were bound to be many women, and naturally, with sheer probability, a good number of beauties.