Chapter 50: Planning to Form a Group Again?_1

(Finally out of the dark room, a full three hundred-minute setting... Note, it took three hundred minutes to type this out, not counting thinking time or rest... Damn, I'm exhausted. Please show some pity with your votes~)


"Boss, boss, hurry up and share some thoughts and feelings with us." Hayden River, who somehow found a broken fan, is fanning him with a flunkey-like manner, saying fawningly and sleazily.

"I'm asking on behalf of the lads." He looked back and asked: "Isn't that right, guys?"

"Yes, yes." Skinny Monkey also gave a sly smile, asked Yves King to sit down, and started attentively massaging his legs: "Boss, just say something. Old River only touched with one hand and got smacked. But you, boss, you used both hands, we all saw it."