Chapter 105 Yves King, you live quite elegantly_1


It wasn't until Yves King finished two bottles of beer that she came back after having sorted everything out. She sat with Yves drinking, but there was still an unresolved tide in her pretty eyes. "I bet Teacher Quay has already fallen under your spell, hasn't she?" gave Yves a sideways glance. She knew that if you want to solve someone's problems and troubles, the best way is to face them head-on, not to run away. As she spoke, she filled his cup with more wine.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yves King gulped down the refreshing beer and exclaimed, "Don't slander Wendy. When we were dating, we were quite innocent, only holding hands at most. At most, there was one time I secretly kissed her face, only to be cold-shouldered for a week."